Saturday, November 12, 2011


by Paula Brunswick, Area Developer

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.(Mark 1:17, 18, NIV) Being an inveterate planner, this account of Jesus’ calling of Simon Peter and Andrew has always fascinated me:                              

“At once..."

Not, “I need to put these nets away. Better tell my family and kiss the kids goodbye. Who is going to pay the bills? Will I need a jacket?”

“…they left their nets…”

Not, “I’m a fisher of fish! I’ve worked all my life building up my business! What will my customers say?”

“…and followed him.”

Not, “Where are we going? Where will we stay? What’s your plan? Who is doing the roommate spreadsheet?”

It turns out they did have many questions, and continually struggled to understand what Jesus was all about and how they fit into God’s plan. Not much has changed in over 2000 years, has it? Jesus’ simple call, “Come, follow me…,” is our call today. You probably started out just like Peter and Andrew, simply drawn to follow Jesus. But like Peter and Andrew, who eventually led the early church as Apostles, you find yourself called to a challenging position of leadership. You may also struggle to understand what Jesus is doing in and through you, and to make sense of your call. Mark 1:17-18 reveals six key principles that help us understand and grow in our calling as MOPS leaders:

1. It is a relational calling. Before any call to service, God desires to be in relationship with us. He wants us to simply “follow him.” Spend time with him. Learn from him. Love him.

2. It is a kingdom calling. “…Fishers of men” is a beautiful metaphor for our role in God’s plan to draw all men to himself. It is not about me. It is not about MOPS. It is about God and his plan for us.

3. It is a submitted calling. Like Peter and Andrew, we must submit our plans and desires, hopes and visions to Jesus.

4. It is a leadership calling. I doubt these simple fishermen understood that Jesus was inviting them to be a part of his leadership team. No matter how humble our beginnings, walking with Jesus prepares us to influence our world in a way that transcends our personal resources.

5. It is a customized calling. While the initial call did not really hint at what was to come, Jesus had very specific plans for Peter and Andrew — both would become very influential leaders in the early church. He has a very specific plan to use our personal experiences, strengths, weaknesses and personalities to accomplish his purpose in and through us.

6. It is a “team” calling. Jesus called out the two of them together, and eventually a team of twelve. We are called out to serve as part of a team, a smaller part of the larger body of Christ.

As you daily seek to submit to this call to a position of influence, remember these six principles: our call is relational, kingdom, submitted, leadership, customized and team.

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