Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Community Event!

 Thanks to all who attended the Fall CE on October 21st. Sorry this is late getting out. The weeks following the CE just slipped away from me...then it was November already! 
The Fall CE was Esther Feng's farewell event as Community Developer. She has taken on a new roll with the development team at MOPS International. We will miss you Esther!
Kathy Jerman is now the new CD for your area. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you Kathy! 
The evening was filled with fun, some training, networking, and some yummy goodies! If you didn't get a chance to attend, I hope you can make the next CE. It would be great to meet you face-to-face.


Esther gave us a bit of training on "Your Life Speaks," and how our actions, as well as our words, affect those around us. So be careful little mouths what you speak! But especially be aware of what your body language is saying. 

Ask yourself these questions:
What does your life (you, your ST, your MOPS group) speak?
What are the words God is asking you to speak?
What are the opportunities that are knocking at your door?
Where do you (your ST, your MOPS group) need to die to self?

Read Colossians 4:3-6 to see what the Bible says about how we should speak!

 I hope you are all well and your MOPS meetings are in full swing and going strong! 

Better moms make a better world!

Esther Feng, myself, Jennifer Speulstra (Co-coordinator MOPS Temple Baptist Church)

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