Have you ever had one of these days...
"Sunday. It's really cold outside. We were supposed to go to church, but because 3 out of 5 of us are not well, we decided to stay in and take it easy. We stayed in our PJs until well after noon.
The boys played dress up with their super hero costumes. Then they wanted to play with their color changer hot wheels. I really didn't want to deal with a watery mess, but I gave in. They had a blast!
Nick & Stephen are lying side by side on the couch while Nick plays his race car game on his DS. Jacob is playing with his cars.
Hank decided to go out to get some electrical box for the playroom...he will be tackling the shelving project in there next week.
The breakfast & lunch dishes are done, laundry is under way, and the house is in some semblance of order...for now.
These are the days of our lives...the days I love...when things are slow and unscheduled...when the boys are not fighting and all you hear is their laughter in the background...when life almost seems to stand still...until I look at the clock that is...then BAM! it hits me! Another day almost gone. What do I have to show for it? Well NOTHING! that's what...and that's OK...because just spending time with my family is task enough for today!"
If you haven't had one of these days recently...take one! Because we all need those unscheduled days to balance us out!
Dr. Charles Stanley says, "H.A.L.T." Don't get too hungry, too angry, too lonely or tootired.
Especially during this holiday season, we can get overwhelmed and overbooked very easily.
STOP and REST! Reorganize your life and your priorities. Trust God.
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