Today is a day of perspective.
My kids are sick.
L had a virus last week that K has now.
They were all in my bed last night, and I had a migraine.
Nobody stopped kicking me, rolling on me,
or pushing my covers off until J came home after 2am and moved them all.
or pushing my covers off until J came home after 2am and moved them all.
They woke up just as cranky as they fell asleep at 11pm,
started the day fighting over tissues and sips of water.
started the day fighting over tissues and sips of water.
As we made the bed to go downstairs for the day,
I opened the blinds to look out and see the funeral home.
I opened the blinds to look out and see the funeral home.
Today is the day a family has to bury their daughter.
Not their 70 year old, 55 year old, or even their 30 year old daughter.
Their 5 year old daughter.
Not their 70 year old, 55 year old, or even their 30 year old daughter.
Their 5 year old daughter.
From what I have read, she had a tender, and caring heart.
From what I saw, she was beautiful;
a sweet smile, golden hair, curious eyes, flawless baby-soft skin.
From what I saw, she was beautiful;
a sweet smile, golden hair, curious eyes, flawless baby-soft skin.
Yesterday, a countless number of people came to see her family to say goodbye to her.
They touched her flawless baby-soft skin
that her Mommy and Daddy would stroke to help her sleep at night.
that her Mommy and Daddy would stroke to help her sleep at night.
They kissed that sweet face that her Mommy and Daddy have kissed good morning,
good night, to heal boo-boos,
to thank for helping take care of her baby sisters.
good night, to heal boo-boos,
to thank for helping take care of her baby sisters.
Those curious brown eyes are closed forever,
and that sweet smile will only exist in their memories.
and that sweet smile will only exist in their memories.
This morning those countless people were not there, only family.
Family that had to get up, get dressed, drive over and say goodbye.
Kiss that beautiful brow one more time,
touch those tiny, perfect hands with busy fingers, kiss that last boo-boo.
Kiss that beautiful brow one more time,
touch those tiny, perfect hands with busy fingers, kiss that last boo-boo.
They have to close the casket.
After that, pictures and memories are all they will see
of their precious little one until they see her in heaven.
After that, pictures and memories are all they will see
of their precious little one until they see her in heaven.
They have to drive on this cold, snowy day to bring that now closed casket to a grave,
a hole in the dirt where her earthly body will stay...forever.
a hole in the dirt where her earthly body will stay...forever.
And...walk away.
I am a parent. My daughter is 4 1/2. She is sick with a fever, not fighting a battle she will not win. I am not 1/10 as brave as this family is today! I rest, as they do, in the peace that they will one day see their dear sweet angel in heaven; that she is now protected from the evils of this daily changing, unstable world. She is with Jesus. Healed. Happy. Once again smiling and keeping those little hands busy praising her creator.
But as a parent, I cannot imagine today. Even breathing has to be hard today. Perspective. I don't want to live next to a funeral home; to look out the window to see people having to say goodbye to their loved ones.
But I am not on the other side of the glass...hold your babies today. Love them for being cranky, for arguing over sips of water. Love them for those tiny hands that cause trouble and get into the cheerios and dump them on the floor. For those perfect lips that may scream in a tantrum but say "I love you mommy and daddy" less than 30 seconds later.
Be thankful that God is in control of this world, this day, your home, your day, your life, your little ones! He has a perfect plan for each of your lives, and will work it for good to those who love him.
He knows each and every detail, hurts when you hurt, smiles when you do. Sure your car broke down today on the way to work, or someone gave you the wrong coffee. A button popped off of your blouse, or the meeting you were supposed to leave 25 minutes ago is now throwing off your whole day.
You did not have to bury your baby today; every bit a part of you, and taking up your whole heart. You did not have to say goodbye to her earthly body forever, and wait until heaven to see her again.
Today, take a moment to pray for this brave, amazing family, and get some perspective.
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