Tuesday, March 13, 2012

the Perfect Mom syndrome

By Melissa Norris

Do you ever wonder if you’re a bad mom? There are days where I’ve snapped at my kids, when I’ve lost my patience, when I’ve disciplined in anger, not to help them grow and mature.

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3

And once they’ve went to bed for the night and I gaze upon their innocent sweet faces, I feel tears burn my eyes. Tears for the way I’ve treated them. I wonder if I’ve damaged them. Will they look back on their childhood with fondness or remember a mommy who was always out of patience?

When this heavy guilt threatens to shove me down to the ground, I remember this:

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm139:13

God created my children before they were made in my womb. And He chose me to be their mother. He handpicked me to raise these precious individuals and He never makes mistakes.

Yes, there are days when I should do better. There are situations I might not always handle with grace, but God knew this.

And He entrusted His children to me anyways. So instead of focusing on what we do wrong as parents, let’s focus on what we do right.

And remember, of all the mommies in the world, God chose you for your children.

Have you ever doubted your abilities as a mother? How do you handle the moments when you feel you’ve failed?

Melissa K. Norris is a Christian fiction author and blogger. She prays her words inspire you closer to God. For faith posts and country living how-to’s visitwww.melissaknorris.com 

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