Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy May!! a post by Kathy Jerman, Community Developer

I read a cute facebook post on a friend's page today:
"Yesterday at Dinner our 4 year old sees the salad on the table as we are getting ready and says: Ughh..not weeds ..again!"  LOL.  Out of the mouths of babes!!!
I received an email this week from a coordinator that made my day. She shared about their recent Mother's Day meeting where they had a spa day. She shared her enthusiasm about a new mom who had a great time and felt welcomed; the fact that it was one of their largest meetings as far as kids and moms; and her excitement for seeing what God is going to do next MOPS year. I LOVE hearing from you guys - your praises, questions and prayer requests. Please don't ever hesitate to contact me!!! I love to hear the updates on how your groups are going.
I wanted to remind you all of the many great resources that MOPS International provides us with. There is a wealth of information and ideas out there for every leadership position!!
MOPS Guide -   You need to log in and then you can access a ton of info - membership, charter renewal, convention dates, idea center with tips for each leadership position, forums, MOPS logos, handbooks, TeenMOPS and MOMSnext info, etc.
Pinterest - if you are on pinterest, you will find lots of fabulous ideas for the new Plunge theme, craft ideas, food ideas, kids stuff. MI has their own page. This is my favorite new MOPS resource. If you aren't on pinterest, you should be!!! I love it - it is a virtual bulletin board. I have found tons of great recipes, holiday ideas, organizational tips, etc. It is so fun. But beware - you will become addicted!!!
Facebook - many of you have your own individual group pages, but do you know that we also have pages set up just for leaders? This is a great way to connect with other MOPS leaders in your area and share ideas, ask questions, and share praises and prayer requests. All steering team leaders are able to join. You have to request to be added to the appropriate page for your area:
As always, thank you for all you do for our MOPS moms and their families. What you do makes a difference!! I appreciate you all!!

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