Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

"When you're a child she walks before you,
To set an example. 
When you're a teenager she walks behind you
To be there should you need her. 
When you're an adult she walks beside you
So that as two friends you can enjoy life together..."
author unknown

I realize this post is "post" mother's day. I hope everyone had a wonderful and joy-filled day. As mom's, we often go through our year unnoticed and working behind the scenes like mighty worker bees...filling up our hives with the necessities of life. One day a year to honor "MOM" doesn't seem enough. 

But God sees everything we do! He 'notices' us. When we cook three different meals for our fussy eaters, when we change that hundredth diaper of the day (and I'll bet you did!), when we have to wash that floor again because our kiddos forgot to take their muddy shoes off...He is there watching over us and smiling. 

We do what we do out of love and not because we are waiting for some obscure prize or gift on Mother's Day or any other day during the year. We love our families and want the best for them. And so is the way of God...He wants what's best for us. So pray for what you need...for what you want even...because God is listening. And the greatest prize of all is waiting for those who love Paradise! 

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