Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MOPS Grows Leaders

a post by Esther Feng..

One of my favorite things I love about MOPS is that is develops leaders. MOPS leverages the brilliantly creative minds of women during a stage of life when the world jokes about mommy-brain and silently (or maybe not so silently) dismisses mothering as merely babysitting. 

MOPS sees the potential in every mom.

MOPS waters that potential with training opportunities. MOPS cultivates the soil around the “what could be” with leadership opportunities. And celebrates every time there’s a little bit of growth.

I tell you this, not because it’s my job as the resident “MOPS lady” but because it’s the truth in my life.

Nine and a half years ago, when I decided to do the “SAHM-thing,” I remember praying, “OK, God I’m giving you the next five years until this baby goes to school. Please use it to further your kingdom.” What I secretly thought was, “Better use these five years, because after that, I’m goin’ back to work!”

Little did I know that God was thinking, “OK, Esther I’m taking the next five years (actually nine!) to grow you…so I can use you to further my kingdom.”

And the tool God chose to use was MOPS.

He used the DGL position to soften my heart, to teach me to sacrifice, and to stretch me out of my little world to learn what it really means to love.

He used the Coordinator position to teach me how to be courageous, to speak the unpopular truth and to do it all in love.

He used my Field leader experience to grow diplomacy, to cultivate the fruit of gentleness, and to respect the power of influence.

And now, he is using MOPS to grow me in a new way.

Recently, I started a job in the development team at MOPS International.   I’ll be writing for the team that raises money through donations.  It’s money that’s used to support awesome leaders like you, to start new groups so that no mom is alone, and to reach out to groups of moms who are yet unreached.

And it’s money that helps to grow leaders, just like you.

I’m excited, nervous, and thrilled to be stepping into something new. (I haven’t had a paid job in almost a decade!)  But I know that, yet again, God’s going to use MOPS to grow me.

As I move onto this new position, I leave you in the uber-capable hands of Kathy Jerman.  She’s served as Coach of the Central NY area, and is thrilled to begin as Community Developer of Eastern NYS. 

As you all know, a shift in leadership means there is room for new leaders and fresh ideas. I challenge you today to watch, listen, and pay attention to how God is growing you.

Is he calling you to continue growing right where you are? Is he calling you to move into a new position? Or is he calling you to grow as a Field Leader?

(BTW, shameless plug….if you’re interested in Field leadership, let Kathy know)

I will miss sorely miss my Field Leadership position and the frequent contact with you.  But in these growing pains, I am looking ahead to what God has prepared for me, you, and Eastern New York.

Better moms make a better world,

Below is the contact information for your new CD:

Kathy Jerman
Community Developer
Eastern NYS
MOPS International

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