Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Spring!

...a post by Kathy Jerman, Community Developer

"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." Psalm 106:1

Happy Spring! I hope that you all will pause with me to reflect on what and who we are thankful for. I am so thankful for my wonderful, handsome, and supportive husband and my four beautiful children!

I'm thankful for each of YOU and your willingness to invest time, energy, hard work and love into each of your MOPS ministries. I'm thankful for MOPS International and their leadership and support and resources that they offer us to aid us in running our MOPS groups. What are you thankful for?

As we take time to think about all we are thankful for, please also take some time to DISPLAY thankfulness to those who make MOPS possible...

Our MOPPET workers - What would MOPS be without these wonderful people who give so generously of their time to care for our children. Be sure to thank them and have the moms in your groups also thank them--a thank you note, small gift, cookies. The moms could have their kids make a card or draw them a picture and give to them; make a few extra crafts and give to your workers.

Our speakers - These people give of their time to come and speak to our groups and have a huge impact on our moms. Some travel a long distance, thus incurring gas expenses. Please make sure they know how much you appreciate them. Budgets are tight and an expensive gift is not necessary. But at the minimum - a thank you note. Or how about having a bunch of $5 gift cards on hand to various local places - Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Target, Barnes and Noble, etc. If you have them on hand, then you can present each speaker with one before they leave. Or even a cute $1 coffee mug from Christmas Tree Shoppes with a few packets of hot cocoa or Hershey's kisses inside, or an inexpensive decorative picture frame. You get the idea! Be creative. It doesn't have to cost a lot. Just be sure to appreciate them!

Our chartering ministries - be sure to send a thank you note to your chartering ministry from time to time expressing your gratitude for their support and encouragement of MOPS. Let them know how things are going, how many moms you've been getting, how many are unchurched, has anyone gotten saved, any testimonies of what MOPS has meant to a mom. Those kinds of things a pastor or women's ministry director would love to hear. They need to know that MOPS is making a difference! You can also take some extra goodies back to the office staff during a meeting.

Our steering teams - let your steering teams know how much you appreciate all they do for MOPS. They work hard and invest their lives into the ministry, just like you all do. Send them each a personal note occasionally, pointing out what you are specifically thankful for in each one of them. Again, a gift is not necessary, but a deliberate thank you goes a long way in encouraging an overwhelmed steering team mom.

"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess His name." Hebrews 13:15

Most of all I am thankful for Jesus, my Lord and Savior, for His indescribable gift of salvation.

Happy Spring!!! Be thankful!!!

Better moms make a better world,

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