I thought it was important enough to share on our blog for review and retrospect.
I will draw this out in a series of six posts (spelling out the word L.E.G.A.C.Y.) so we can focus on each aspect of this topic.
(taken from the next level leadership webinar hosted on May 16, 2012 by MOPS International)
Leaving a legacy is not about making sure people remember you. It's about ensuring the ministry (of MOPS) will continue to impact moms by increasing the reach of your ministry, developing and encouraging others, and passing on the vision.
L - Learn
Focus on Leadership Essentials
- Leading your group - Coordinator (Co-Coordinator)
- Building relationships in your group - hospitality, creative activities, mentor moms, service, prayer, and care
- Growing your group - publicity
- Supporting your group - MOPPETS, finance
Focus on the Qualities of a Leader
- Christian: A MOPS leader has faith in Jesus Christ, and follows him in all areas of her life. Romans 10:9
- Servant: A MOPS leader serves those she leads. Matthew 20:26-28
- Adaptable: A MOPS leader has a teachable spirit and takes responsibility for growing toward personal and spiritual maturity. Philippians 1:6
- Called: recognizes that God has summoned her to a position of influence and submits herself to that call. Luke 9:23
- Christ-Like: is intentional about growing godly charter as expressed in Scripture and evidenced by behavior and attitudes. Galatians 5:22-23
- Courageous: chooses to persevere even in the face of challenges. Psalm 31:24
- Accountable: is willing to accept responsibility to God, to others and to herself. Romans 14:12
- Growing: has a teachable spirit and takes responsibility for growing toward personal and spiritual maturity. Philippians 1:6
- Hopeful: knows Jesus as her source of hope and points others to him. 1 Peter 3:15
- Gracious: receives others willingly with a generous spirit. Romans 15:7
- Authentic: knows and accepts herself and is honest about her strengths and weaknesses in her relationships with others. Romans 12:3
- Humble: recognizes her dependence upon God and others. 1 Peter 5:5-6
(You can look up a few more qualities of a Leader here.)
Focus on Potential Leaders
- Know the moms in your group.
- Be prepared so you can spend time with moms.
- Pray
- Use response cards
- Use surveys
Learn all you can about yourself as a leader, your group, your potential leaders by focusing on the above points.
If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to comment!
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